Red Diamonds Sniper

Red Diamonds Royal Marine Sniper





Royal Marine Sniper

How Sniper got his name….

WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE YOU IMAGINE AND WHAT YOU IMAGINE IS FAR WORSE THAN WHAT ACTUALLY EXISTS (British Royal Marines Sniper). This quote fits me and Snipers relationship perfectly. Having anxiety and Panic attacks most of my life I started relying on my Labs to help me feel safe and protected. I was always told that people sleep peaceably in their beds at night because Snipers are willing to do violence on their behalf if needed. As London was delivering this very large litter of puppies we were all tired and sleep deprived and stressed out. Then along came this puppy, straight out of the womb as I held this little redheaded creature in my hands I suddenly felt Calm and at peace, my heart rate returned to normal and I knew then we had a connection, a bond that could never be broken. Sniper was one of those puppies that I knew in my heart that I shouldn’t let go but I did anyways, because its my job and a family was waiting for him in California. I said good bye to him and handed him over to the flight service. I checked on him in his new home weekly, but knew something wasn’t right. I’m usually showered with pictures and updates from my Red Diamond families and with Sniper, I got none. Only a “he’s fine” occasionally. Then the day the call came, that call that every breeder doesn’t want to get. For one reason or another it wasn’t working out with the home that I chose for him. Which ended up being the best phone call I have ever gotten as a breeder. Fast forward 2 months later and Sniper is Home in Kansas again, I will spare you all of the details on getting him back to Kansas but it truly took a village to make it happen. I will forever be grateful to that village of mine. When I held this oversized 5 month old puppy in my arms his first night home with me I then realized what a Loyal Lab truly was, He is someone that will always love me, the imperfect me, the confused me, the wrong me because that is what labs are suppose to do.

Sniper is a beautiful, well put together Fox Red English Labrador. He has a fun, playful personality and loves to interact with people and other dogs. Sniper is a calm, well-behaved dog who always likes to know what’s going on. He loves to be out and about, getting along with everyone he meets. He’s intelligent, patient, and so great with kids! He is also my protector in his goofy Sniper way. He can hear his human brother coming home 3 blocks away and notifies me of that. He can smell a coyote and will warn his lab pack before you can hear them howling. He lets me know when there is stranger danger coming down the road a mile away.

Sniper has a muscular build with a nice blocky head and Vibrant Dark Fox Red coat , weighing 80 lbs.

We are very proud of the way Sniper continues to develop and feel confident that you will appreciate one of his puppies as your own.

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6 months

Snper Bandana


Sniper 1 year

Sniper Stack text


Sniper sit text


Health Testing

DRD1, OSD1, RD, RD/OSD- Clear


EIC- Clear

Canine degenerative myelopathy, DM-Clear

CNM- Clear


Dwarfism, SD2- Clear

MCD- Clear


OFA- Finals HIPS/ELBOWS- Good / Normal

Cerf- Clear/Normal

Sniper new

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